Aidan Loten

Full-stack Software Engineer, USA

Professional experience developing full-stack on a large ecommerce (Hybris) web app. My personal projects range from full-stack applications in Java, NodeJS, TypeScript, React, to web-scraping, data analysis, and AI modeling (naive bayes classifier / bag of words) in Python.

Java | JavaScript | TypeScript | Python | React | Angular | NodeJS


  • Central Banker

    (In progress) Economy simulator game where the user acts like the central bank and can move levers, such as the federal funds rate or required reserve ratio, to see the impact on the economy. Using industry design patterns such as ORM, DAO, Service, Builder, Singleton, SAP Hybris-like Model system…etc.

    • Java
    • Hibernate
  • Terracotta

    Full-stack (MERN) digital wine-cellar and inventory management. Includes authentication (JWT) so users can save their inventory.

    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • NodeJS
    • ExpressJS
    • React
    • Redux
    • MongoDB
    • Material-UI
    • HTML
    • CSS
  • Like Minds

    2-player mobile web game played on separate devices where players attempt to guess the same word in the same guess to win.

    • NodeJS
    • ExpressJS
    • React
    • HTML
    • CSS
  • Wine Map

    One script creates a database of wine/spirit collection by scraping the web for each bottle, extracting relevant information, and translating address to GPS. Another script produces an interactive Bokeh application that geographically maps data from the wine database to analyze location, price, ratings...etc., by producer.

    • Python
    • Selenium
    • XML
  • Rhino REST API

    Full-stack (PERN, Express replaced by Koa) REST API with GUI that accepts CRUD functionality for a fictional rhinoceros database.

    • JavaScript
    • NodeJS
    • Koa
    • React
    • PostgreSQL
    • Bootstrap
    • HTML
    • CSS
  • InstaCapture

    Gets posts and comments of Instagram/FB business account using Facebook's Graph API and Instagram's Graph API. Although API calls, OAuth, and UI architecture are in place, I don't have access to other users' non-public data because I am not a Facebook verified business. May need to configure Firefox settings to allow FB login button.

    • JavaScript
    • FB Graph API
    • HTML
    • CSS
  • Sudoku Game

    A sudoku game that a user can play in the browser. I translated it from a program I wrote in Java which takes a text file representation of a 9 x 9 sudoku board (unsolved) as an input and solves the puzzle. I added input and validation-checking functionality to create an interactive game.

    • JavaScript
    • Java
    • React
    • Babel
    • HTML
    • CSS
  • Purple America

    Created a geographical map of the US depicting 2016 voting data by county and from scratch using Python. The map reflects the proportion of Democrat, Republican, and other by using an rgb gradient instead of winner-take-all. Blue -> Democratic, red -> Republican, green -> other

    • Python
  • Web Crawler

    Crawls and scrapes names, emails and cell #'s.

    • Python